White House Correspondent Tweets His Heart Attack 77
Tommy Christopher, who writes for mediate.com, has reporting in his blood, so much so that he livetweeted every part of his recent heart attack. "I gotta be me. Livetweeting my heart attack. Beat that!" and "This is not like the movies. Most deadpan heart attack evar. Still hurts even after the morphine," were among his updates as he was rushed to the hospital. Christopher is now in stable condition after recovering from emergency surgery.
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You must have missed the part where it said "Idle".
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His heart?
Yeah it would have been pretty idle during a heart attack.
Oh wait you meant Slashdot category...
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Now when someone updates their status in the womb or from beyond the grave: then I'll be interested!
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Status: Dead
Status: Dead
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What's on your mind?
Ummm, worms mostly.
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I think you're missing the point. The OP doesn't care about this subject in particular, he cares about slashdot not sucking more than necessary.
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I think you're missing the point. The OP doesn't care about this subject in particular, he cares about slashdot not sucking more than necessary.
I believe that is the whole reason Idle exists, for all the stuff that really isn't news per se but is still tangentially related. Twitter gets covered a lot on Slashdot but this article isn't exactly huge news so it got dumped here.
Which brings me back to my original point, the OP clearly cares enough about this article to make his or her opinion on it known. If the AC had specifically mentioned displeasure with Slashdot rather than an article in Idle of all places I'd be inclined to agree with you, but
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I think you're missing the point. The OP doesn't care about this subject in particular, he cares about slashdot not sucking more than necessary.
Perhaps he should take a more constructive approach then, like suggesting that Slashdot implement some sort of filtering system. You know, a way to select if he wants to see "Idle" stories, or even if he wants full summaries of a section or just the headline. I know, it's crazy talk, but it just might be crazy enough to work!
Or maybe he thinks the world actually cares that he doesn't like Idle articles and so feels the need to post about it. Which is kind of funny, considering his complaint.
Tweet! (Score:4, Funny)
This one time, I tweeted that I ate a sandwich. I tweeted about every bite, described the taste and texture. Everyone cared a lot about that series of tweets, and waited with extreme anticipation as I made it to the last bite. I'm thinking about doing a similar series of tweets, describing the sandwich the next day as it leaves my body. It seems like shitty tweets get a lot of attention...
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I assume you are a twitter shitter? [penny-arcade.com]
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Until it's your father telling you this during the ambulance ride to the hospital... Interesting, perhaps, but not *twitter* interesting.
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Until it's your father telling you this during the ambulance ride to the hospital... Interesting, perhaps, but not *twitter* interesting.
I don't know, if I cared enough about someone to follow them on Twitter, "I'm dying" would be one of the very few Tweets I would actually care about and find worthwhile.
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Member posting AC: As someone who's 33, not overweight and suffered a heart attack (family curse, most men died of them), this is SCARY SHIT! When you feel one coming on, it's death knocking on your door. First, you are having a panic attack, the pain, and then perhaps your last breath. Think of it as dry form of drowning.
1. If you feel one, start coughing and take aspirin. Call 911 immediately. And pray you live another day.
2. Live a vegan lifestyle. Ya, it sucks balls. I miss being an omnivore. But you wa
Hospital visits are boring (Score:4, Funny)
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All civilized societies expose their elderly in order to save resources for the next generation.
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Moreover, this is simply not true for most societies over most of human history. We have valued our elderly and kept them alive to pass on their wisdom, even chewing their food for them back before the days of dentures.
Only when times were extremely tight did the elderly volunteer to go off and die. No society has forced this on their elderly and I challenge you to provide even one example where killing off the elderly was commonplace.
Easily debunked lies do not help advance your argument.
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even chewing their food for them back before the days of dentures.
That's one game of "baby bird" I hope I never get to play.
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That's your mom's crotch juice, not spittle, boy. Now sit down and stop interrupting the grownups.
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That is bullshit, all sources, for instance, the Bible, estimate human lifespan as being essentially the same as today. The difference was child mortality rates. Most people died before the age of ten, if you know anything about statistics, you will see how that effects the average life expectancy, even though, if you lived past ten you were about a likely to live to seventy five as you are today.
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"That is bullshit, all sources, for instance, the Bible, estimate human lifespan as being essentially the same as today."
Ever actually read the bible? I did. It estimates lifespans that are approaching 1k yrs old which is nowhere near what we have today (or ever).
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The cognitive dissonance between your post and sig must be deafening.
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I wouldn't call it a moral issue, but rather one of policy.
If it is your policy as a country to let people die, or suffer, or go bankrupt, merely because they have not been paid enough--irrespective of whether they deserve it or not; many people are underpaid, many are over-paid--then you will hemorrhage people whose talents are not profitable.
If it is your policy as a country to provide services for free to anyone, then certain segments of the population will take advantage of that while producing as littl
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Better than sick care is true wellness: http://www.earthsave.org/news/03summer/eat2live.htm [earthsave.org]
Deathtweeting the new extreme sport? (Score:2, Funny)
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Seems like a fairly logical outcome to recording death / near death experiences.
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he should hav tweeted as the Holy Grail cartoonist (Score:2)
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He wouldn't bother to tweet out "Aaargh", he'd just say it. Which is why he really needs voice-to-text on his cell phone.
Obviously Monty Pythonesque (Score:5, Funny)
The Tweet reads, "Here may be found the last Tweet of Tommy Christopher. He who is valiant and pure of spirit may find me in the Hospital of Aaauuuggghhh... "
He must have died while tweeting it.
Look, if he was dying, he wouldn't have bothered to tweet 'Aaaauuuggghhhh'. He'd just say it.
. . . etc . . .
What I don't understand, is why the hospital staff lets someone with a serious medical condition tweet . . . ?
Re:Obviously Monty Pythonesque (Score:4, Funny)
Maybe he was dictating...
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What I don't understand, is why the hospital staff lets someone with a serious medical condition tweet . . . ?
Maybe they were distracted by their ipods and didn't notice he had his cell phone?
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quite simple. One of the staff workers obviously got a new phone and wasn't sure how to use it. She asked him to help her, and while demonstrating some of the features he obviously snuck in a few sample tweets.
anyone can make snarky comments (Score:5, Funny)
but the real geek will figure out how to fit an ekg into 140 bytes
Re:anyone can make snarky comments (Score:4, Funny)
#define FLATLINE 0x00
Re:anyone can make snarky comments (Score:5, Insightful)
With a 12-lead EKG, you can have 11 values of +-64 for each lead, which fits in 132 bytes of 7-bit ASCII, leaving 8 bytes for header identifying it as an EKG, plus the horisontal resolution (i.e. time for each measurement).
To get more data, repeat.
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Better than that. The 12 lead ecg only has nine raw data points. There are 10 connections to the body - 6 intercostal electrodes and 4 limb electrodes, but one of the limb electrodes is ground (zero by definitiion, used as the reference by the other connections). This leaves you with 6 intercostals and 3 active limb connections, plus 3 calculated leads (difference between left/right arm, left arm/legs, right arm/legs) for a total of 12 leads.
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It's even better than that. You only have to measure the five peaks, plus four intervals for each spot. So you don't need 11 sample points -- nine will do. And even better, you already know whether each of them is positive or negative, saving another bit.
So 81 characters should be plenty. You can probably get down to even less by only recording the differences between one sample and the next.
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It's really 280 bytes for unicode. Look, I just doubled your monthly bill.
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Not quite. It's more than that if it supports surrogate pairs and counts them as one character (instead of two). It's less than that if it doesn't. (If any Unicode character counts as a single character, it's about 2^20 bits per character. Otherwise, it's just shy of 2^16.)
lead 7 F2 80%, lead 2 10%, PVCs (Score:2)
31 characters, all you'd need to know to schedule an angiogram.
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Spotting fake celebrity suicides (Score:2)
You are a hip celebrity & are having suicidal thoughts. Do you
1) Call 911
2) Call a friend
3) call suicide prevention hotline
4) tweet about it
If you chose 4, you are probably faking it so you can get on gawker.
It seems like every other day celebrities are reaching for a twitter client than hitting 911. This makes me think there isn't an actual emergency and things are a bit trumped up. "okay blood is coming out".
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LOL is it red!!! RT @British okay blood is coming out
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You forgot : 5. kill yourself
My first time.. (Score:2)
Recently I met this very nice girl. Well. I'll keep you posted.
Worst time to have a heart attack? (Score:5, Funny)
Worst time to have a heart attack?
During a game of Charades.
Beat that? Sadly yes (Score:3, Insightful)
I realize that people are using humor to deal with their fears and discomfort over death, but there's no way to make this funny:
December 17, 2009, 12:29 pm
Announcing a Child’s Death on Twitter
http://parenting.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/12/17/tweeting-about-a-childs-death/ [nytimes.com]
Wow! (Score:1)
40 comments and not a single NO CARRIER jokNOCARRIER
Hey everyone just thought i'd... (Score:1)
What a moron (Score:2)
How would you like those to be your last words?
"Still hurts even after the mor"
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Wow, that's getting to the point of Monty Python (Score:2)
Typo (Score:1)
Eat to live (Score:2)
http://www.alternativeratreatments.com/eat-to-live.html [alternativ...tments.com]
http://www.earthsave.org/news/03summer/eat2live.htm [earthsave.org]
"Chapter seven is perhaps the most powerful chapter of the book. It offers compelling evidence of dietary causes for most of the common health problems faced by Americans. Then Dr. Fuhrman explains how diet can prevent and even reverse heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, chronic headaches, and autoimmune disease. He relates true stories of patients (who gave permission to be named) who have been able to sto
Everyone's after... (Score:2)
Sad legacy (Score:2)
I remember the first, exciting days of the internet, when there were all these incredible new possibilities: ftp, that allowed you to fetch files, even 100s of K from the other side of the world, email and usenet that let you communicate in no time with people far away - for free, almost; and then gopher and the web.
And what has it come to now? SPAM, ever more intrusive and idiotic adverts, and even the most inconsequential crap has become the must have of the moment.